
The Myobrace is a relatively new device for helping children improve the alignment of their jaw and tongue. The idea behind the Myobrace is early intervention (from the age of about 5 or 6) to reduce or eliminate the issues that lead to misalignment of teeth later in life. The process involves helping the child to develop jaw muscles, correct jaw and tongue position, improve breathing (through the nose and not the mouth) and even how to swallow correctly. Many of these issues may seem minor in a young child, but are all influencing the way in which the jaw and teeth develop. The breakthrough came when researchers found that correcting these issues during the child’s development was the best way to improve the alignment of the teeth and jaws by allowing optimal growth to occur. In many cases, the child’s jaws will develop so well that they may not need braces at all (saving thousands of dollars in the process).

For us, at the Dental Lounge at Robina, Myobrace is such an obviously good idea, we had to include it as one of our services. We have completed training from Myobrace Australia and have already several success stories.

Here is one example of a young patient of ours who benefited significantly from the Myobrace. The issues they were having with jaw alignment were starting to affect their school and social life, not only they are now going to have much better teeth later in life, but their confidence at school has improved as well.

Before After