Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can often be the unseen cause of pain in the jaw, the gums and surrounding teeth. Wisdom teeth can become stuck under the other molars, causing inflammation, and infections in some instances. While they can be painful when they start to cause problems, they can sometimes be causing unseen, long-term damage with no pain present.

Wisdom tooth removal typically becomes necessary when the molars at the back of the jaw fail to align properly and become impacted, or, stuck under other molars. As wisdom teeth start to cause problems, the surrounding gum, jaw and teeth will become irritated, sore and inflamed. Left untreated, the problem area can become infected and will also become very painful.

Wisdom teeth problems don’t really go away on their own. The sooner you make the call, the sooner you can move on with your life.

You may be dreading the idea of having them out and therefore putting the treatment off. “Right at the back of the jaw, is has to be an uncomfortable procedure right?” Wrong! A local anaesthetic will make it painless, and with a mild sedative, many people find they are relaxed enough to go through the procedure with no anxiety.

Want to learn why Wisdom Teeth are a problem for modern humans? Watch this video below where we explain what went wrong!